David and Denise Trabucco
The Owners
We founded Trabucco Fitness in the basement of their home in 2006. As the business blossomed, we had to bring on new trainers and soon outgrew their current facility space. Our move to a building in the heart of Clarence Center where many residents driving and walking by daily took notice. They joined for locational convenience, but stayed for our small family business charm and quality training services. Our training philosophies center on allowing any person, in any condition to find strength of body and mind and to optimize the quality and longevity of their lives. Our methods of training have received such positive results that client turnover is scarce, with multiple clients having been with us over a decade. Our focus has always been quality over quantity. We take pride in giving each client the highest possible service at the best possible price to make the most positive impact. We train a diverse group of individuals from 11 years old to 95 years old with a variety of goals including injury prevention, sports performance, bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman competing, joint-stabilization, pain reduction, and confidence-building. We recently bought, tore down and rebuilt our current building from the studs up in the summer of 2018 and have been strengthening our community from here since.